What We Do

We solve problems. Signature Science connects the brightest minds from across the scientific and technical disciplines. When essential federal, state, and local security programs encounter complex, challenging technical problems, our experts work together to develop innovative solutions. 

National Security

The challenge to defeat CBRNE threats is largely borne by national defense, homeland security, and law enforcement entities as part of broader counterterrorism or law enforcement missions. Signature Science supports these critical operations with science-based solutions for accurate and defensible CBRNE threat collection, detection, and analyses.

Public Safety and Security

In an ever-changing threat environment, the public looks to law enforcement and security professionals for protection against dangers both known and unknown. Signature Science’s core scientific expertise supports those who work to protect us. As examples, we perform forensic DNA casework services for the criminal justice system and create tools to help law enforcement detect and mitigate chemical threats before the public is harmed.

Health Security

Surveillance and response to emerging infectious diseases is a challenge for public health professionals, as globalization increases the breadth and complexity of these activities. To support their mission, Signature Science applies its biothreat detection and bioinformatics expertise to develop solutions for rapid identification and characterization of biological threats, including novel pathogens. And, to provide useful information to public health decision makers, we develop methods and tools for timely, data-driven forecasts of infectious disease activity.