Sample mixtures and the ability to deconvolute SNP profiles present a challenge for investigations using FGG. These mixtures are common in forensics, however, database search algorithms utilized for FGG only accommodate single-source SNP profiles. To address this gap, NBFAC and Signature Science have collaborated to implement a workflow which enables the analysis of ForenSeq® Kintelligence SNP genotyping results from two-person mixtures and directs deconvolution of the profiles in EuroForMix (EFM). The team then developed MixDeR, which allows streamlined analysis and filters the EFM outputs to produce inferred single-source genotypes in reports formatted for use with GEDmatch® PRO.
Our team has performed initial testing of the MixDeR workflow, deconvoluting Kintelligence SNP profiles generated from two-person DNA mixtures.
The preprint is now available online! Catch up on this exciting development.

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