In a paper published in Forensic Science International: Synergy, founders of the National Technology Validation and Implementation Collaborative (NTVIC) announced the group’s formation, in addition to the formation of its first Technology Validation Working Group, the Forensic Investigative Genetic Genealogy Technology Validation Group (FIGG-TVG). Signature Science’s Center for Advanced Genomics is proud to be a member of this group, “focused on the implementation of Forensic Investigative Genetic Genealogy (FIGG), Forensic Genetic Genealogy (FGG), and Investigative Genetic Genealogy (IGG) in public law enforcement agencies and forensic science laboratories.”
The NTVIC mission:
“The mission of the National Technology Validation and Implementation Collaborative (NTVIC) is to share resources and strategies to rapidly implement technology and new methods into publicly funded forensic science service provider (FSSP) and forensic science medical provider (FSMP) facilities in a scientifically sound and defensible manner.”
Read the paper here.
Matthew J. Gamettea, Ray A. Wickenheiserb, Alana Mintonc
a Corresponding author. Idaho State Police Forensic Services, 700 South Stratford Drive Suite 125, Meridian, ID, 83642, USA
b New York State Police Crime Laboratory System, Albany, NY, USA
c Office of the Attorney General, State of Idaho, USA