AUSTIN, TEXAS – October 10, 2023 – Signature Science, LLC is now offering FentAlert™ to assist federal, state, and local government agencies on the front lines of the fentanyl crisis. FentAlert™ is a self-contained fentanyl detection tool that delivers clear results within three minutes. An operator wearing any level of personal protective equipment can easily use the pen-sized tool to screen solids, powders, and liquids for fentanyl and its analogs. FentAlert™ is now available for purchase by federal agencies and law enforcement, school districts, and public safety organizations in states where it is legal to possess fentanyl test strips.
FentAlert™ is the commercialized version of a device Signature Science developed in 2021 with funding from the Irregular Warfare Technical Support Directorate (IWTSD). A prototype was developed by Signature Science, and feedback to improve the device was collected from interested members of the Department of Defense, intelligence community, and first-responder communities. Responding to this valuable end-user feedback, Signature Science used internal funds to mature the device for the commercial market. FentAlert™ was demonstrated at the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Chemical Biological Operational Analysis events in 2022 and 2023, where it was rated a “top technology.”
“We wanted to create a safe, easy-to-use tool that required minimal training and offered quick and accurate results,” said Alan Smith, Signature Science’s FentAlert™ Product Manager. “There’s no need to directly handle the suspected sample or mix solutions into tiny test tubes in the field. With FentAlert™, the process is simple: swipe the sample, cap the pen, and twist it closed to activate. In less than three minutes, with no lab work required, you have your result.”
FentAlert™ is manufactured and distributed by Signature Science, LLC in Charlottesville, VA.
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About Signature Science, LLC:
A subsidiary of the Southwest Research Institute, Signature Science, LLC is a scientific and technical consulting firm providing multi-disciplinary applied research, technology design and development, and scientific, technical, and operational services to government and industry.