October 06, 2022 • Signature Science President & CEO Brian Schimmoller sat down for an interview with The Synergist, the official magazine of the American Industrial Hygiene Association to discuss the COVID-19 Exposure Assessment Tool (CEAT) following the publication of his team’s scientific paper on the topic.
From the article: “By April [2020], a few weeks after most businesses and schools in the U.S. shut down, Brian Schimmoller was working on a project intended to help employees at his company, Signature Science, a scientific consulting firm based in Austin, Texas, return to work safely. This was the beginning of the COVID-19 Exposure Assessment Tool, a free, editable PDF that OEHS professionals can use to determine the relative risk of group projects in the age of COVID-19. Users of the CEAT—pronounced “seat”—enter information such as the community’s transmission rate, the event’s duration, the room’s dimensions, the ventilation rate, the type of filtration, the group’s vaccination rate, the types of masks group members will wear, and their anticipated breathing rate. The CEAT uses these and other variables to calculate a single value that represents the risk of transmission relative to a documented high-risk exposure scenario.”
Read the full interview here.