Evaluation of individual and ensemble probabilistic forecasts of COVID-19 mortality in the United States

Abstract: Short-term probabilistic forecasts of the trajectory of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States have served as a visible and important communication channel between the scientific modeling community and both the general public and decision-makers. Forecasting models provide specific, quantitative, and evaluable predictions that inform short-term decisions such as... MORE
Headshot with text Brian Schimmoller named third Signature Science President and CEO

Signature Science Appoints New President, CEO

Schimmoller to be third president of SwRI subsidiary AUSTIN, TEXAS – March 8, 2022 – The Signature Science Managers Committee has unanimously elected Brian J. Schimmoller as the third president and CEO of the Austin-based company. Signature Science is a wholly owned subsidiary of Southwest Research Institute, specializing in national... MORE

HORIZON Newsletter – February 2022

Looking Ahead to AAFS on February 22-25 in Seattle, WA Signature Science is attending the upcoming AAFS Conference with five of our scientists presenting their latest work. AAFS will be a hybrid conference, with presentations and sessions occurring virtually, in-person, or both. In-person attendees can look forward to seeing: Michelle... MORE

IARPA funds Signature Science and Rice University to Develop SeqScreen-Nano Software to Analyze Long Reads...

Laptop-portable advanced computational tools will provide critical information beyond standard taxonomic classification to remote users with limited resources. AUSTIN, TEXAS – February 15, 2022 – Signature Science, LLC received funding from the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) under the Functional Genomic and Computational Assessment of Threats (Fun GCAT) program... MORE