Paper Published in “SPIE. Digital Library”: Development of a High-Energy X-ray Diffractometer for Quality Control...

Abstract The Transportation Security Laboratory of the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate is tasked with establishing quality control metrics for assessing the performance of x-ray imaging technologies used by airport security. In conformity with that mission, a high-energy x-ray diffraction apparatus was constructed to characterize the xray... MORE
Relationship inference Paper Published

Paper Published in “Forensic Genomics”: Relationship Inference with Low-Coverage Whole Genome Sequencing on Forensic Samples

Abstract Background: Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based kinship analysis is now a cornerstone of modern forensic genomics. Imputation can be used to augment genome-wide SNP data from low-coverage whole-genome sequencing (LCWGS). The impact of imputation after LCWGS on genotyping error and its subsequent impact on kinship analysis are unknown. Methods: We assessed the... MORE

Paper Published in “Science Advances”: COVID-19 Exposure Assessment Tool (CEAT): Exposure quantification based on ventilation,...

Abstract The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Exposure Assessment Tool (CEAT) allows users to compare respiratory relative risk to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) for various scenarios, providing understanding of how combinations of protective measures affect risk. CEAT incorporates mechanistic, stochastic, and epidemiological factors including the (i) emission rate... MORE
SEquence SCreening Training for Bioengineers

BioMADE Selects Signature Science-led Team to Develop Biosecurity Sequence Screening Training Course for Bioengineers

SeqScreen training course will support BioMADE’s Education & Workforce Development initiative. AUSTIN, TEXAS – Sept. 27, 2022 –Advanced bioengineering technologies offer enormous potential for creating cost-effective solutions across industries, but there is little existing guidance to avoid causing inadvertent harm to humans, livestock, crops, or the environment, or “bioerror.” As... MORE

SigSci Scientists Co-Author Study Published in “Frontiers in Genetics”

Abstract Technological advances in sequencing and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping microarray technology have facilitated advances in forensic analysis beyond short tandem repeat (STR) profiling, enabling the identification of unknown DNA samples and distant relationships. Forensic genetic genealogy (FGG) has facilitated the identification of distant relatives of both unidentified remains... MORE

Automated Infectious Disease Forecasting: Use-cases and Practical Considerations for Pipeline Implementation

Abstract: Real-time forecasting of disease outbreaks requires standardized outputs generated in a timely manner. Development of pipelines to automate infectious disease forecasts can ensure that parameterization and software dependencies are common to any execution of the forecasting code. Here we present our implementation of an automated cloud computing pipeline to... MORE