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MixDeR: A SNP Mixture Deconvolution Workflow for Forensic Genetic Genealogy

Abstract: The generation of forensic DNA profiles consisting of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) is now being facilitated by wider adoption of next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods in casework laboratories. At the same time, and in part because of this advance, there is an intense focus on the generation of SNP profiles... MORE
Empty jury bench

HORIZON Newsletter – August 2024

How are the words we use when delivering expert witness testimony understood by the average member of a jury? What impact might television shows depicting the criminal justice system and 24/7 access to news reporting have on the average jury member? And, how do we effectively communicate the science behind... MORE

An Imputation-Based Approach for Augmenting Sparse Epidemiological Signals

Abstract: Near-term disease forecasting and scenario projection efforts rely on the availability of data to train and evaluate model performance. In most cases, more extensive epidemiological time series data can lead to better modeling results and improved public health insights. Here we describe a procedure to augment an epidemiological time... MORE

Evaluation of FluSight influenza forecasting in the 2021–22 and 2022–23 seasons with a new target...

Abstract: Accurate forecasts can enable more effective public health responses during seasonal influenza epidemics. For the 2021–22 and 2022–23 influenza seasons, 26 forecasting teams provided national and jurisdiction-specific probabilistic predictions of weekly confirmed influenza hospital admissions for one-to-four weeks ahead. Forecast skill is evaluated using the Weighted Interval Score (WIS),... MORE

Containerized Model Engines for Operational Disease Forecasting

Abstract: Operational infectious disease modeling efforts are important to public health response before, during, and after outbreak events. Recent collaborative initiatives have demonstrated the success of hubs, which openly solicit modeling output from contributors. Automation techniques can help improve timeliness of submissions to hubs. Furthermore, we suggest that containerization approaches... MORE
universal RNA sequencing: Workflow Development

Unbiased metagenomic detection of RNA viruses for rapid identification of viral pathogens in clinical samples:...

Abstract: Unbiased long read sequencing approaches for clinical metagenomic sample analysis holds enormous potential for pathogen detection, including improved detection of unknown, novel or emerging viruses. However, the rapid rate of development in nanopore sequencing and library preparation methods complicates the process of selecting a standardized method for unbiased RNA... MORE