FluFIVE: Publicly Hosted Flu Communication Dashboard 

The Flu Forecasting Interpretation Visualization and Evaluation (FluFIVE) web application provides a user-friendly interface to explore probabilistic near-term forecasts of incident influenza hospitalizations in the United States. The source of forecasts is the CDC FluSight initiative, which since 2013 has served as a consortium to coordinate influenza forecasting efforts in the United States. FluFIVE provides forecast data related to the FluSight initiative since 2021-22, which solicited near-term (1 to 4 weeks ahead) forecasts of incident confirmed influenza hospitalizations at the state/territory and national level.

FluFIVE was developed and maintained by Signature Science, LLC with support from the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) via the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Cooperative Agreement No. NU38OT000297.

Access tool here.