How are the words we use when delivering expert witness testimony understood by the average member of a jury? What impact might television shows depicting the criminal justice system and 24/7 access to news reporting have on the average jury member? And, how do we effectively communicate the science behind the DNA evidence in a court case amidst this constant media deluge? We seek to answer these questions and more in our workshop at the upcoming ISHI conference!
A panel of experts composed of former and current scientists, lawyers, and judges will consider jury perceptions of expert testimony regarding DNA, how evidence is presented, and what effect it may have on deliberation and the final verdict. The workshop is informed by the panel’s combined courtroom experience, in addition to the results of a survey completed ahead of ISHI by individuals unfamiliar with courtroom proceedings or DNA.
Samantha Wandzek, Signature Science Technical Leader and supervisor of the Center for Advanced Genomics’ validation efforts, is excited to be co-hosting this workshop. We can’t wait to share what we’ve learned, and what it means for you and your organization.

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